Module 9 - Native Techniques
System Status
Status Information of System
For Instance Mode etc.
How To
Dump System Status1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ ||

. 0 Live user mode: <Local>

4) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

|| : Standard Command, To Display System Status

<Local> : Output, Local Machine

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; ||; qd
Process Status
Status Information of Process
For Instance Id, Name etc.
How To
Dump Process Status1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ |

. 0 id: 2ab0 create name: notepad.exe

4) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

| : Standard Command, To Display Process Status

2ab0 : Output, Process Identifier

notepad.exe : Output, Application Name

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; |; qd
Process Environment Block
PEB Information of Process
For Instance PEB, Image Base Address, Ldr etc.
How To
Dump PEB1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ !peb

PEB at 0000005749cd6000

ImageBaseAddress: 00007ff741d00000

Ldr 00007ffb491953e0

4) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

!peb : Extension Command, To Display PEB

0000005749cd6000 : Output, PEB Address

00007ff741d00000 : Output, Image Base Address

00007ffb491953e0 : Output, Loader Address

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; !peb; qd
Thread Status
Status Information of Thread
For Instance Id, TEB etc.
How To
Dump Thread Status1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) DBG@ ~

. 0 Id: 2ab0.1ffc Suspend: 1 Teb: 00000061`cd49a000 Unfrozen

4) DBG@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

~ : Standard Command, To Display Thread Status

2ab0 : Output, Process Identifier

1ffc : Output, Thread Identifier

00000061`cd49a000 : Output, TEB Address

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; ~; qd
Thread Environment Block
TEB Information of Thread
For Instance TEB, Stack Base, Stack Limit, PEB Address etc.
How To
Dump TEB1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ !teb

TEB at 000000a8b3ad3000

StackBase: 000000a8b3890000

StackLimit: 000000a8b387f000

PEB Address: 000000a8b3ad2000

4) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

!teb : Extension Command, To Display TEB

000000a8b3ad3000 : Output, TEB Address

000000a8b3890000 : Output, Stack Base Address

000000a8b387f000 : Output, Stack Limit Address

000000a8b3ad2000 : Output, PEB Address

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; !teb; qd
Advanced Micro Devices

Console Debugger

Character User Interface





New Technology

Process Environment Block

Quit Detach

Thread Environment Block
