Module 8 - Portable Executable
File Format
Structure and Content of Executable Image
Identified by Magic Number
How To
Dump File Format1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ db /c4 00007ff6`6d8f0000

00007ff6`6d8f0000 4d 5a 90 00 MZ..

5) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Output, Module Start Address

db : Standard Command, To Display Memory Content

/c4 : Option, Specifies 4 Column Width

4d 5a 90 00 : Output, Byte

MZ.. : Output, ASCII Character

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; db /c4 {Module Start Address}; qd
Magic Number
Unique Identification Number of Executable Image
Starts with MZ
How To
Dump Magic Number1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ db /c2 00007ff6`6d8f0000 L2

00007ff6`6d8f0000 4d 5a MZ

5) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Output, Module Start Address

db : Standard Command, To Display Memory Content

/c2 : Option, Specifies 2 Column Width

L2 : Range, 2 Address Range

4d 5a : Output, Magic Number

MZ : Output, ASCII Character

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; db /c2 {Module Start Address} L2; qd
Disk Operating System Header
DOS Header of Executable Image
For Instance Magic, LFA New etc.
How To
Dump DOS Header1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ dt 00007ff6`6d8f0000 ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER

+0x000 e_magic : 0x5a4d

+0x03c e_lfanew : 0n240

5) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Output, Module Start Address

dt : Standard Command, To Display Type

ntdll : Parameter, Type Module Name

_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER : Parameter, Type Name

0x03c : Output, LFA New Offset

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; dt {Module Start Address} ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER; qd
Portable Executable Signature
PE Signature of Executable Image
Starts with PE
How To
Dump PE Signature1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ dt 00007ff6`6d8f0000 ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER

+0x000 e_magic : 0x5a4d

+0x03c e_lfanew : 0n240

5) CDB@ db /c4 00007ff6`6d8f0000+0x03c L4

00007ff6`6d8f003c f0 00 00 00 ....

6) CDB@ db /c4 00007ff6`6d8f0000+0xf0 L4

00007ff6`6d8f00f0 50 45 00 00 PE..

7) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Output, Module Start Address

dt : Standard Command, To Display Type

ntdll : Parameter, Type Module Name

_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER : Parameter, Type Name

db : Standard Command, To Display Memory Content

/c4 : Option, Specifies 4 Column Width

0x03c : Output, LFA New Offset

L4 : Range, 4 Address Range

f0 00 00 00 : Output, PE Header Offset

.... : Output, ASCII Character

50 45 00 00 : Output, PE Signature

PE.. : Output, ASCII Character

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; dt {Module Start Address} ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER; db /c4 {Module Start Address}+{LFA New Offset} L4; db /c4 {Module Start Address}+{PE Header Offset} L4; qd
Portable Executable Header
PE Header of Executable Image
For Instance Signature, File Header etc.
How To
Dump PE Header1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ dt 00007ff6`6d8f0000 ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER

+0x000 e_magic : 0x5a4d

+0x03c e_lfanew : 0n240

5) CDB@ db /c4 00007ff6`6d8f0000+0x03c L4

00007ff6`6d8f003c f0 00 00 00 ....

6) CDB@ dt 00007ff6`6d8f0000+0xf0 ntdll!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64

+0x000 Signature : 0x4550

+0x004 FileHeader : _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER

7) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Output, Module Start Address

db : Standard Command, To Display Memory Content

/c4 : Option, Specifies 4 Column Width

0x03c : Output, LFA New Offset

L4 : Range, 4 Address Range

f0 00 00 00 : Output, PE Header Offset

.... : Output, ASCII Character

dt : Standard Command, To Display Type

ntdll : Parameter, Type Module Name

_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 : Parameter, Type Name

0x004 : Output, File Header Offset

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; dt {Module Start Address} ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER; db /c4 {Module Start Address}+{LFA New Offset} L4; db /c4 {Module Start Address}+{PE Header Offset} L4; dt {Module Start Address}+{PE Header Offset} ntdll!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64; qd
File Header
File Header of Executable Image
For Instance File, Optional etc.
How To
Dump File Header1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ !dh -f 00007ff6`6d8f0000



8664 machine (X64)


20B magic #

2 subsystem (Windows GUI)

5) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

!dh : Extension Command, To Dump Header

-f : Option, Specifies File Header

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Parameter, Module Start Address

8664 : Output, 64-Bit CPU Type

Executable : Output, EXE Image Type

20B : Output, PE32+ File Format

2 : Output, GUI Subsystem

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; !dh -f {Module Start Address}; qd
Section Header
Section Header of Executable Image
For Instance Text, Data etc.
How To
Dump Section Header1) RUN@ cdb.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.2428 AMD64


2) CDB@ .reload

Reloading current modules

3) CDB@ lm m notepad*

Browse full module list

start end module name
00007ff6`6d8f0000 00007ff6`6d94a000 notepad (deferred)

4) CDB@ !dh -s 00007ff6`6d8f0000


.text name


.data name

5) CDB@ qd
cdb.exe : Program, CUI Symbolic Debugger

-o : Switch, Specifies Target Application

C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe : Parameter, Notepad Application

.reload : Meta Command, To Reload Module Symbol

lm : Standard Command, To List Module

m : Option, Specifies Pattern

notepad : Parameter, Module Name

* : Parameter, Wildcard

!dh : Extension Command, To Dump Header

-s : Option, Specifies Section Header

00007ff6`6d8f0000 : Parameter, Module Start Address

.text : Output, Executable Code Section

.data : Output, Initialized Data Section

qd : Standard Command, To Quit and Detach
Alternatively, RUN@ windbg.exe -o C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe → View → Command (Alt+1) → .reload; lm m notepad*; !dh -s {Module Start Address}; qd
Advanced Micro Devices

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Console Debugger

Character User Interface

Display Byte


Dump Header

Dynamic Link Library

Disk Operating System



Logical File Address

List Module

Mark Zbikowski

New Technology

Portable Executable

Quit Detach
